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              2. CHINESE
              3. 生产线配¤套设备

                Automatic bottle unscrambler YC-LP110


                1. Basic use:

                It is suitable for the automatic transmission of round and square bottles, such as the conveyor belt connected to the labeling machine, filling machine, and capping machine, which can automatically feed the bottle to improve efficiency; it can be applied to the middle connection of the assembly line as a buffer platform to reduce the length Length of conveyor belt. It can be used with automatic high-precision filling machine (atmospheric pressure), automatic capping machine and other equipment.

                The range of applicable bottles can be adjusted freely, the bottle conveying speed is 30~200 bottles/min, and the speed can be adjusted steplessly, which is convenient for production arrangement.

                2. Product features:

                Stepless speed regulation, automatic control of bottle loading speed;

                A large number of bottles can be added at one time, which reduces labor intensity.

                Applicable products: It can be equipped with automatic assembly line, labeling machine, filling machine and inkjet printer, etc., to realize automatic feeding.

                Application industry: widely used in packaging, food, toys, daily chemical, electronics, medicine and other industries.

                Application examples: automatic feeding before automatic labeling of fruit wine bottles and medicine bottles, etc.

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
