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              2. CHINESE
              3. 生产线配套设□ 备

                YC-1500 friction paging machine


                Scope of application:

                1. Card type: IC card, IP card, etc.

                2. Packaging bags: plastic bags, paper boxes, paper bags, labels, paper sheets, etc.


                It is used to automatically separate stacks of packaging bags or cards and transfer them to the conveyor belt in a single page.

                It is convenient for inkjet printer or laser machine to print, print production date, batch number, anti-counterfeiting mark, pattern, etc.

                So as to reduce the cumbersome manual paging, give full play to the advantages of high-speed printing of inkjet printers and laser machines, and improve the efficiency of printing work.

                Convenient production operation and management.


                1. Imported frequency conversion stepless speed regulation, high-speed automatic paging 60-600 pieces/minute.

                2. High paging speed, high precision positioning and high production efficiency.

                3. Qualified structure design, independent shaft, easy and quick replacement of wearing parts.

                4. Equipped with manual/automatic functions to facilitate debugging and production operations.

                5. Optional accessories: automatic rewinding device

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
