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              2. CHINESE
              3. 装袋装盒ぷ系列

                Vertical automatic cartoning machine-cartoning and sealing machine-daily necessities cartoning machine YC-Z130


                Equipment characteristics:

                YC series vertical cartoning machine can be used to carton single or multiple products with irregular shapes. It is generally used for packing the already glued cartons. There are three ways to seal the boxes: tongue-in, hot-melt glue and hybrid (tongue-in first, glue-sealing later). The vertical cartoning machine can choose continuous cartoning or intermittent cartoning. The vertical cartoning machine is especially suitable for industries that require absolute hygiene standards, such as pharmaceuticals, food, candy, daily necessities and other industries.


                Continuously moving product chain

                Safe and reliable production, even with different carton quality

                Can be folded in and sealed with hot melt glue

                The design conforms to GMP requirements, provides the best auxiliary functions, facilitates maintenance, cleaning, and product function conversion

                In order to reduce noise emissions, adopt new environmental protection concepts

                Easy to operate even for semi-skilled personnel

                Intuitive touch screen operating system

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
