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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动灌装设√备

                Daily chemical products linear filling machine YC-Z012


                Characteristic parameters of linear filling machine:

                The whole machine adopts integrated design, adopts high-quality components such as PLC, photoelectric, touch screen, etc., the system is easy to operate and adjust, and the man-machine interface is friendly. It uses novel automatic control technology to achieve high-precision equal liquid level filling.


                Large filling range.

                Under the premise of the bottle type standard, the filling level control accuracy is high.

                The structure is compact and the body size is small.

                The filling time is adjusted by actual measurement correction method and digital display control.

                Simple operation, convenient cleaning and maintenance, and low maintenance cost.

                It adopts a self-developed and designed negative pressure filling head to effectively prevent dripping and leakage.

                Positioning control system can prevent photoelectric error counting.

                Single-cylinder stable dive and effective positioning of the bottle mouth.

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
