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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动灌装设『备

                Centrifugal cap sorting and capping machine YC-LX001


                The automatic capping machine is composed of a centrifugal cap sorting machine, a chute device, a capping mechanism, a bottle clamping mechanism, a cap stabilizing mechanism, an electric control part and a gas circuit part. It can be widely used in the screwing of special-shaped bottle caps in sauces, food, daily chemical products and other industries. The equipment can be used as a stand-alone machine or in assembly line operation to help enterprises realize the automation of filling production.

                1.The design principle of this machine is mainly designed to simulate the manual capping action. It is convenient to adjust, the capping speed, and the height of the bottle can be adjusted arbitrarily according to the user's output.

                2. Intelligent circuit, automatic shutdown protection device without bottle and cover on the body.

                3. Strong compatibility. No need to replace accessories when changing bottles.

                The main technical parameters:

                1. Power supply voltage (V/Hz): AC 220/50

                2. Output (bottles/hour): 2500~5000 bottles/hour

                3. Dimensions: (L×W×H)(mm): 2440*600*1600mm

                4. Weight: 650kg

                5. Lid arrangement method: centrifugal type

                6. Conveyor line height: 850mm

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006