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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动〖灌装设备

                Hot pot bottom material filling machine YC-G040A


                The automatic hot pot bottom material filling machine is suitable for the hot pot bottom material production industry. It is an ideal granular slurry viscosity fluid filling equipment. The equipment has high filling accuracy, small floor space, low energy consumption of the whole machine, and it is equipped with the function of adding auxiliary materials. Automatically add powder, add sesame, add red oil), suitable for sauces such as chili sauce, beef sauce, bean paste, fresh chili sauce and other sauces that contain granular materials and are difficult to fill.


                A. This machine is a fully automatic filling machine with automatic mixing function to make the material mixing more evenly

                B. The auxiliary materials are adjustable, precise and convenient. Increase the degree of automation.

                C. The machine has a reasonable design, a vertical structure, which saves space and is easy to operate.

                D. The pneumatic part adopts well-known pneumatic components with long life and stability.

                E. The material contact part is made of SUS304 stainless steel, which meets GMP requirements.

                F. The filling volume and filling speed can be adjusted arbitrarily.

                G. It is easy to adjust the size of the bottle and it is equipped with an automatic lifting device.

                H. Designed with integrated concept, with few wearing parts. Convenient for enterprise maintenance.

                technical parameter:

                1. Filling speed: 10-30 bags/min

                2. Filling accuracy: ≦±4g﹪

                3. Power supply: 220V 50Hz

                4. Weight (kg): 1200Kg

                5. Power: 0.37kw/380v

                6. Air pressure: 0.6-0.8MPa

                7. Optional models: 100-300g 300-500g 500-1000g

                8. The overall dimensions of the equipment (length × width × height): 2000 × 2500 × 1800 (mm)

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
