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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动灌①装设备

                Closed automatic capping machine YC-F004


                Automatic capping machine

                The automatic sealing machine is suitable for one-time twist-off aluminum anti-theft caps and bottle mouths. The output is 4000 bottles/h, which can be selected by users.

                The head parts are all made of hardened standard stainless steel, and adopt the four-wheel balance working principle, with uniform force and good sealing quality.

                There is a clutch safety protection device at the bottle entry and exit wheel, and it will automatically stop when the bottle jam occurs. There is an automatic positioning device at the bottle mouth to make the positioning of the bottle mouth and the sealing head more accurate when sealing.

                Production capacity: 4000 bottles/h

                Motor power: 1.5KW

                Adapt to bottle height: 200-320mm

                Number of sealing heads: 4 heads

                Dimensions: 1050x1100x1800mm

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
