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              2. CHINESE
              3. 专用机贴ぷ标机

                YC-T117 automatic grinding wheel special labeling machine


                Basic use:

                This machine is specially used for circular labeling of grinding wheels and diamond plates, automatic labeling, automatic material collection, improving labeling efficiency, automatic product positioning, static labeling, and improving labeling accuracy. It can be used with a variety of packaging production lines or grinding wheel sealing and shrinking production lines.


                The labeling accuracy is high, and the product is adjusted to the position of the second time, and the method of static labeling is adopted. The labeling accuracy is much higher than that of the general labeling machine;

                Labeling efficiency can reach 50-80 pieces/minute, which is several times higher than manual labeling, saving labor;

                Set up an automatic label correction mechanism and cooperate with an automatic product correction mechanism to achieve high labeling accuracy, flat labels without wrinkles, and improve product packaging quality;

                Using the center hole for positioning, the scope of application is large, and simple adjustment can meet the labeling of different specifications of grinding wheels;

                Operation and maintenance are simple, and the equipment can be operated and maintained independently by simple training of workers;

                The main body is made of stainless steel and aluminum alloy, and the transmission mechanism is all-inclusive. The equipment is safer, more stable, and beautiful;

                With non-standard automatic correction and automatic detection functions;

                Using standard PLC + standard sensor + touch screen man-machine interface electric control system control, the equipment performance is stable.

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
