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              2. CHINESE
              3. 在线打印※贴标机

                YC-T306 real-time printing side labeling machine


                Basic use:

                Real-time printing side labeling machine is a real-time printing labeling machine for side labeling.


                Provide American original Zebra PAX series print engine;

                Pneumatic, sweeping, cornering and other labeling methods can be selected to meet the needs of instant labeling for different occasions or different items;

                The universal joint structure of the suction label effectively corrects the accuracy error of the plane labeling, and the unique light-touch induction return signal device to protect the material being stuck from damage;

                The vacuum range of the label suction plate can be adjusted, suitable for labels of different sizes;

                The independent floor stand is easy to install, and the vertical and horizontal two-way adjustment mechanism can effectively set the accurate labeling position;

                The unique moving component of the side-opening labeling head is convenient for the printer's ribbon replacement and print head cleaning;

                Flexible label editing software, compatible with most Chinese/English label editing tools, with strong flexibility in editing and printing content;

                The connection function is connected to the main system via Ethernet to achieve the purpose of real-time management and system integration, eliminating the need for on-site configuration and control of the computer;

                Imported electrical components from world-renowned brands are used to ensure the long-lasting stability and reliability of the whole machine;

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
