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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动圆瓶→贴标机

                YC-T219 Automatic Horizontal Round Bottle Labeling Machine


                Basic use:

                It is suitable for labeling on the circumference and half of the circumference of cylindrical objects that are not stable. It adopts horizontal transmission and horizontal labeling methods to increase stability and improve labeling efficiency. Optional coding machine or inkjet printer to the labeling head can be realized on the label to print production date, batch number and printing bar code and other information. Optional inkjet printer to conveyor belt can be used to print production date, batch number, barcode and other information on the product before or after labeling. This machine is also suitable for assembly line production.


                High speed, horizontal roller conveyor mechanism is adopted, the conveyor chain is inclined, the bottle is automatically guided, and the conveying and labeling is stable. The labeling speed is as high as 400 bottles per minute, saving a lot of manpower and material resources;

                The labeling quality is excellent, and the label tape winding correction technology is adopted, and the label head and tail are highly overlapped; the rolling type labeling, the labeling is flat, without wrinkles, and bubbles, which improves the packaging quality;

                High stability, the advanced electronic control system composed of Panasonic PLC+Kunlun touch screen+Panasonic needle-shaped electric eye+German Leuze label electric eye, supports 7×24 hours of high-speed operation of the equipment;

                Intelligent control, automatic photoelectric tracking, with no objects and no labeling, no label automatic correction and automatic label detection functions to prevent missing labels and label waste;

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
