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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动套※标机

                YC-T25000 automatic sleeve labeling machine (steam)


                Detailed introduction:

                The new-style steam shrinking furnace is suitable for different and irregular round bottles, square bottles, flat bottles and other bottle shapes. It is convenient to adjust and maintain, and the shrinkage is flat. It is three-stage adjustable, and the height, front and back, and air output of each stage can be adjusted separately to achieve the most perfect contraction effect. The whole machine shell is made of stainless steel and insulated, which not only saves energy, but also complies with international safety standards. The stainless steel drain pan at the bottom concentrates the condensed water. The whole machine adopts waterproof design, which is convenient for operation and maintenance. Special manufacturing: It can be manufactured into a double-layer holding furnace in the original configuration, which can achieve the effects of energy saving and environmental protection.

                Technical Support:

                Name Heat shrinkable film type steam shrinking furnace

                Model k-202I

                Input power (kw) 0.75

                Input voltage (v) 3,380V/50HZ

                Working pressure (Mpa) ≤0.1Mpa

                Steam consumption (kg/h) 10-20

                Conveying speed (m/min) 0-35

                Dimensions (mm) L2000*W400*H1500

                Weight (kg) 100

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
