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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动双侧面贴标机≡

                YC-T713 automatic flat bottle-round bottle multifunctional labeling machine


                Basic use:

                The automatic flat bottle-round bottle multifunctional labeling machine is a round bottle labeling machine, which can realize double-sided labeling and circumferential surface labeling at the same time. It can meet the single-sided and double-sided Side labeling, full-circle and half-circle labeling of cylindrical objects, widely used in cosmetics industry and daily chemical industry.


                Powerful function, one machine can realize single-sided and double-sided labeling of 4 kinds of products (round bottle, flat bottle, square bottle, special-shaped bottle);

                The double-sided rigid plastic synchronous guide chain is adopted to automatically ensure the neutrality of the bottle, and the requirement for workers to put the bottle and the assembly line to connect the bottle is low, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the worker's work or the assembly line docking. It can be produced on a single machine or connected to an assembly line;

                Equipped with elastic pressure topping mechanism to ensure stable product delivery and effectively eliminate the inherent error of bottle height;

                Equipped with an automatic bottle separation mechanism, the spacing is automatically separated before the bottle is guided to ensure the stability of the subsequent bottle guiding, conveying and labeling;

                Equipped with a double labeling mechanism to ensure labeling accuracy for the first time, and double-squeeze labeling to effectively eliminate air bubbles and ensure that the label head and tail are tightly attached;

                Intelligent control, automatic photoelectric tracking, with no objects and no labeling, no label automatic correction and automatic label detection functions, to avoid wasting labels and missing labels;

                The main material of the equipment is stainless steel and high-grade aluminum alloy, which conforms to GMP production specifications. The overall structure is firm and beautiful.

                Configuration details:


                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
