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              2. CHINESE
              3. 全自动平面贴标⊙机

                YC-T113 Automatic Flat Labeling Machine


                Basic use:

                It is suitable for labeling or self-adhesive film on the upper surface of various items, such as books, folders, boxes, cartons, etc. The replacement of the labeling mechanism is suitable for labeling on uneven surfaces, and is widely used for flat labeling of large products , Labeling of flat objects with a wide range of specifications.


                Wide application range, can meet the product width 30mm ~ 350mm product flat labeling and self-adhesive film, replace the labeling mechanism can meet the uneven surface labeling;

                The labeling accuracy is high, and the subdivision stepping motor or servo motor drives the label delivery, and the label delivery is accurate; the label tape deflection correction mechanism is designed to ensure that the label does not deviate from left to right during the traction process; the eccentric wheel technology is applied to the traction mechanism, and the traction label is not Skid to ensure accurate bidding;

                Rugged and durable, adopting a three-bar adjustment mechanism to make full use of the stability of the triangle, the whole machine is solid and durable;

                High stability, advanced electronic control system composed of Panasonic PLC + Panasonic needle-shaped electric eye + German Leuze label electric eye, supporting the equipment to operate 7×24 hours;

                Configuration details:


                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
