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              2. CHINESE
              3. 电线贴标Ψ 机

                YC-T2511 Wire and Cable Folding Labeling Machine


                Product introduction:

                The wire labeling machine is a kind of equipment specially developed by our company for the wire and cable industry. It is mainly used for high-precision folding and labeling of labels. At the same time, it can be used for folding and labeling all kinds of wires. It is suitable for large product size span, easy to adjust, and it is more convenient and quick to change different products.

                Scope of application of wire labeling machine:

                1. Applicable to the industry: electronic factory, wire factory, electrical factory, mechanical power plant, earphone cable, USB cable, power cord, trachea, etc.

                2. Attach self-adhesive labels, self-adhesive films, electronic supervision codes, barcodes, etc.

                3. Function: Improve the efficiency of product labeling and film sticking, accurate sticking position, good quality, and high stability; avoid low manual labeling efficiency, sticking skewed, blistering and wrinkles, irregular sticking positions, etc. Series of problems; effectively reduce product costs, improve the aesthetics of product logos, and enhance product competitiveness.

                4. This equipment can be specially customized according to customer samples, with high labeling accuracy, fast speed and good stability

                5. Each equipment is customized according to the customer's samples, which cannot be routine

                6. Degree of automation: semi-automatic pedal type, half-folding action is automatically completed by the machine

                Working principle of wire labeling machine:

                *Core working principle: The sensor detects the passing of the product and sends back a signal to the labeling control system. After the signal is processed by the PLC, the label is sent to the set position of the product at an appropriate time, the product flows through the labeling device, and the label is firmly covered , And then automatically unload the material, and the attaching action of a label is completed.

                *Operation process: put the product (can be connected to the SMT line) —> product delivery (automatic realization) —> product correction (automatic realization) —> product detection (automatic realization) —> labeling (automatic realization) —> labeling (automatic realization) Realization)—>Automatic unloading.

                Technical parameters of wire labeling machine:

                The following are the technical parameters of the standard model, and other special requirements and functions can be customized.

                Labeling accuracy: ±0.5mm (excluding product and label errors);

                Labeling speed: 20-40 pieces/minute (related to product size);

                Applicable product size: wire diameter 2-15mm (maximum)

                Applicable label size: 20≤length≤60mm, 5≤width≤20mm;

                Machine size: 850×3400×700mm (length×width×height);

                Applicable power supply: 220V 50/60HZ;

                Whole machine weight: 36kg.

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
