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              1. <blockquote id='g6DRmv'><q id='g6DRmv'><noscript id='g6DRmv'></noscript><dt id='g6DRmv'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='g6DRmv'><i id='g6DRmv'></i>
              2. CHINESE
              3. 电线♀贴标机

                YC-T2510 Fully Automatic Wire Folding Labeling Machine


                Product Description:

                The automatic half-folding labeling machine designed and produced by our company is a unique product in the labeling machine industry in the entire market. It is lightweight and generous, novel in appearance, reliable in quality, high in accuracy and reasonable in price. It is very popular among electronics and electrical appliance manufacturers. It can save the labor cost of 4-6 people for the company.


                1. It can be connected to the assembly line or labelled separately, and does not require a lot of production space;

                2. It has a wide range of applications, which can be applied to various trademarks of different specifications, and can meet the length and width of different trademarks for folding and labeling;

                3. High stability, advanced electronic control system composed of photoelectric switch imported from Germany and Mitsubishi PLC;

                4. The standard is accurate, and the high-quality standard vacuum generator is used to stabilize the pressure of the standard, and the pressure is the same every second when working;

                5. All-round intelligent control, automatic photoelectric tracking, can prevent mislabeling and missing labels.

                Scope of application:

                1. It can adapt to various specifications of labels;

                2. Widely used in manufacturers of wires, wire harnesses, power cords, USB cables, cables, etc.;

                technical parameter:

                1. Suitable wire size: 1-10mm;

                2. Suitable label width: 5-65mm;

                3. Suitable label length: 8-200mm;

                4. Labeling accuracy: ±0.2mm:

                5. Bid issuing speed: 1 second;

                6. Labeling speed: (PCS/H) about 1600

                7. Voltage: 220V:

                8. Frequency: 50HZ;

                9. Air pressure: 0.6Mpap;

                10. Power: 140W;

                11. Weight: 85KG;

                12. Dimensions: (length*width*height): 880*650*1150.

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
