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              2. CHINESE
              3. 自动开箱△机系列

                YCK-40H50 Carton Automatic Forming and Bottom Sealing Machine


                Product Features:

                Introduce and absorb advanced technology manufacturing from Japan and Germany, and select imported parts, electrical components and pneumatic components;

                The whole machine adopts the cam continuous system, the mechanical movement is accurate, stable and durable;

                The forming and sealing system is controlled by a frequency converter, and the speed can be adjusted arbitrarily, saving man-hours;

                Simple operation, easy adjustment, no doubt about carton damage

                The carton storage adopts the horizontal type, and the empty carton can be refilled at any time without stopping the machine;

                Automatic warning reminds to replenish the carton;

                Equipped with a transparent plexiglass protective cover, which automatically stops when the door is opened to avoid accidental operation;

                It can be operated as a stand-alone machine or used in conjunction with an automated packaging line;

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
