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            1. <dl id='cUL20X'></dl>
              1. <blockquote id='cUL20X'><q id='cUL20X'><noscript id='cUL20X'></noscript><dt id='cUL20X'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='cUL20X'><i id='cUL20X'></i>
              2. CHINESE
              3. YC-T511 side assembly line labeling head


                Scope of application

                Applicable labels: self-adhesive labels, self-adhesive films, electronic supervision codes, barcodes, etc.

                Applicable products: It can be equipped with pillow packaging machine, automatic assembly line, printing machine, etc., to realize online labeling.

                Application industry: widely used in packaging, food, toys, daily chemical, electronics, medicine and other industries.

                Application examples: labeling before film bag forming, labeling in assembly line, etc.

                working principle

                *Core working principle: The sensor detects the passing of the product and sends back a signal to the labeling control system. At the appropriate position, the control system controls the motor to send out the label and attach it to the product to be labelled. The product flows through the labeling roller and the label is rolled. Cover, the attaching action of a label is completed;

                *Operation process: product delivery (connected to the assembly line) —> product delivery —> product inspection (or receiving external signal) —> labeling —> labeling.

                technical parameter

                The following are the technical parameters of the standard model, other special requirements and functions can be customized

                Applicable product size (length×width×height/thickness): no requirement (depending on assembly line delivery parameters)

                Labeling accuracy of assembly line labeling head (mm): ±1mm,

                Labeling speed of assembly line labeling head (pcs/min): 50~200pcs/min

                Weight (kg): about 70kg

                Frequency (HZ): 50HZ

                Voltage (V): 220V

                Power (W): 830W

                Equipment dimensions (mm) (length×width×height): 1100×700×1450

                Basic use

                It can be matched to the assembly line to label the flowing products on the upper plane and arc to realize online labeling, such as matching to the coding conveyor belt to label the flowing objects.


                 The matching is simple, and it can be directly installed on the assembly line and packaging machine, independently or linked to realize automatic labeling and unmanned labeling production;

                Flexible application, equipped with different labeling mechanisms, can realize labeling on flat and uneven surfaces;

                The adjustment is convenient, the adjustment structure adopts a single rod structure, and the header can be flexibly adjusted with six degrees of freedom x/y/z, which can be flexibly matched to different pipelines;

                The labeling accuracy is high, the label tape deflection correction mechanism prevents the label from misalignment, the subdivision stepping motor drives the label, and the front and rear positions of the label are accurate;

                Intelligent control, automatic photoelectric tracking, with no objects and no labeling, no label automatic correction and automatic label detection functions to prevent missing labels and label waste;

                Touch screen operation interface, with full Chinese annotations and perfect fault prompt function, various parameter adjustments are simple and quick, and the operation is convenient;

                High stability, using Panasonic PLC + Panasonic touch screen + subdivided stepping motor + optical fiber sensor electronic control system control, precise control, support long-term work;

                Optional function:

                ①Hot coding/printing function;

                ②Mobile bracket;

                ③Other functions (customized according to customer requirements).

                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
