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              1. <blockquote id='DS9XuG'><q id='DS9XuG'><noscript id='DS9XuG'></noscript><dt id='DS9XuG'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='DS9XuG'><i id='DS9XuG'></i>
              2. CHINESE
              3. 半自动贴标◥机

                YC-T413 semi-automatic round bottle labeling machine


                1. Basic use:

                Semi-automatic round bottle labeling machine (including display screen) is a semi-automatic labeling machine, suitable for labeling various specifications of cylindrical objects, small taper round bottle labeling, such as xylitol, cosmetic round bottles, wine bottles, etc. It can realize full circle/half circle labeling, circle front and back labeling, and the spacing between front and back labels can be adjusted arbitrarily. It is widely used in food, cosmetics, chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries.

                Optional circumferential positioning detection device to realize circumferential positioning and labeling.

                Optional ribbon printer and inkjet printer, labeling and printing production batch number and other information at the same time, reducing packaging procedures and improving production efficiency.

                2. Product features:

                Powerful function, single label and double label labeling function can be switched arbitrarily, the distance between the front and back double labels can be adjusted flexibly, and the circumferential positioning function is optional, and the labeling is set on the circumferential surface;

                Support conical bottle labeling, with taper adjustment knob, simple adjustment can satisfy conical bottle labeling;

                The labeling quality is good, with dual positioning of product positioning and label deviation correction, high overlap of the label head and tail, no wrinkles, no bubbles, and improve the quality of assurance;

                Simple adjustment, one-key switching of various functions, simple and quick switching of labeling of different product labels, improving efficiency;

                Safe and hygienic, in line with GMP production requirements, the main material is stainless steel and high-grade aluminum alloy, which is sturdy and durable;

                Stable performance, using PLC + optical fiber sensor electronic control system control, support the equipment to work for a long time;

                Convenient production management, with label counting, power saving mode, photoelectric tracking label and other functions, production management is easier;

                3.Configuration details


                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
