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              1. <blockquote id='LHxDYK'><q id='LHxDYK'><noscript id='LHxDYK'></noscript><dt id='LHxDYK'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='LHxDYK'><i id='LHxDYK'></i>
              2. CHINESE
              3. 半自动贴标机↘

                YC-T301 semi-automatic plane labeling machine


                1. Basic use:

                Semi-automatic flat labeling machine (including display screen) belongs to the semi-automatic labeling machine. It applies the suction method to label and realizes labeling on the flat surface of various workpieces, such as flat cosmetic bottles, packaging boxes, and plastic cap labeling. Changing the labeling mechanism can be applied to the labeling of uneven surfaces, such as the labeling of concave surfaces and arc surfaces. Changing the fixture can be applied to the labeling of various irregular workpieces. Optional ribbon printer or inkjet printer to print the production date and batch number on the label to realize the integration of coding and labeling. It can be used with various packaging lines.

                2. Product features:

                Powerful function, can be used for labeling of flat, circular and concave surfaces of various workpieces, and can be used for labeling of irregular workpieces;

                Accurate labeling, high stability, using PLC + subdivided stepping motor to drive the label delivery, the delivery is accurate; the feeding mechanism is equipped with a brake function to ensure that the label is tightened and the label detection is accurate; the label deflection correction mechanism prevents the label Offset left and right

                Durable and durable, the circuit and the air circuit are arranged separately, and the air circuit is equipped with a purification device to prevent the moisture in the air from invading the electrical appliances and extend the life of the equipment; the whole machine adopts high-grade aluminum alloy and stainless steel materials, and the quality is firm;

                Easy to adjust, equipped with adjustable height and low stroke function, labeling products of different heights, no need to change jigs repeatedly;

                Beautiful appearance, using bottom-mounted computer white electric box, with stainless steel and high-grade aluminum alloy, beautiful and generous, and upgrade the equipment level;

                With two labeling control methods, manual/automatic, workers can choose to use sensors or foot pedals to control labeling according to their needs; set manual and automatic control buttons, and the length of the label can be adjusted arbitrarily;

                3.Three, configuration details


                Contact Us

                TEL: 13711957203

                TEL: 13798856664

                TEL: 0769-33892006
